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Chart of the Week
Dr. William Meade Jones lived over a hundred and fifty years ago, and was a well-known London, England, research expert. He discovered in his studies that the Seventh-day Sabbath was the only weekly Sabbath ever commanded by God in the Bible.

Jones decided that, since Scripture clearly shows that the Bible Sabbath was first given to mankind at the end of the Creation Week, (Genesis 2:1-3) then two important facts would have had to be known throughout the ancient world: First, a fixing of the seven-day weekly cycle on a world-wide basis, and second, an ancient world-wide knowledge of the Seventh-day Sabbath.

Jones decided to research a majority of the languages of the world to see if his reasonings were true. The results of his research was as he suspected and is another powerful proof, not only that the Seventh day is the true Sabbath of God, but also that the creation account in Genesis 1 and 2 is accurate, and that God is our Creator!

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